Assignment #24:
TED Talk
How does photography connect us? Photography can tell any story through one photo or more. David Griffin shows, through TED Talk, that multiple photographers went around the world to show others what is happening through their photos. Our Triptych assignment gave us the same idea as these photographers. Unlike the photos in National Geographic, our photos showed a children's story. National Geographic showed people and animals in their own habitats and how they are affected. Both ideas are similar, however, because they try to teach people different lessons.
These photos can connect people with differences. Someone doing something that isn't right might not realize who or what they are affecting. Taking pictures of what is affect can change their mind and connect each other to make a difference. For instance, there was a photographer that took photos of elephants and one day, the elephants got attacked by harvesters who wanted ivory. The photos that he took of the elephants afterwards can raise awareness and eventually stop people killing elephants
This TED Talk has altered my views of photography. Before, I would look at photos and just kind of look at what is going on rather than what the story is or what it is trying to tell us. This video has helped me realize that there is more to a photo than just the items in it. The photographer could be trying to make a statement to the viewer. Not only can photography tell a story, but sculptures, paintings or videos can as well. Going to museums or watching movies, I can understand these better now looking for what the artist is trying to show.
Well written comments.